We Do Our Best, And It Shows.

Customer Testimonials

See What Our Customers Are Saying…

With over thirty years of experience we have focused our efforts on creating happy, returning customers. If you do the right thing and make an effort, you can reatin some very loyal customers.


  • “I have been working with Regional for over three years, and in my opinion, Regional gives first class treatment and not only delivers our products on time and safely, but also does it at an affordable rate. Their prices are comparable with any forwarding company in the business. Regional also offers exceptional customer service and utilizing their area of expertise allows us to focus our time and energy on our own clients – the way it should be. We would highly recommend them to anyone!”

    Rhonda Hobdy Pittsburgh, PA
  • “Regional has always made everything easy for us and we appreciate the personal service we receive every day. Customer Service goes the extra mile and always making the impossible possible. With using Regional we are able to manage our shipping operation seamlessly for our shipments going all over the United States and to Canada. Thanks again for being reliable and affordable and we look forward to doing more business with you for many years to come.”

    Chris Salem, OH
  • "Distribution of product is a necessity in any company. Regional plays an essential role in my daily routine,pick-ups, deliveries, special runs, or any last minute schedule changes to get the product delivered on time. Regional is truly a company that will work with you as well as working for you."

    Linda Minerva, OH
  • "We have been using Regional World Services for several years with great success.  With the labor shortage it was hard to find a driver interested in filling our position. Keeping up with truck maintenance and DOT regulations it made sense to sell the trucks and outsource. Mark and his group are very dedicated to fulfil our needs and handle 100% of our local freight. We use them daily with a van truck and when I suggested he invest in a flatbed truck without hesitation he purchased one. We are extremely satisfied with their service and I would highly recommend them for any company needing an occasional load covered to daily deliveries."

    David A. Forrer
    David A. Forrer Dalton, OH
  • “MIA Express INC has worked with Regional World Services for the past 10 years. We value the dedication, communication, and teamwork that naturally comes with working alongside Regional. We are proud of this partnership and plan to continue it for many years to come.”

    Alex MIA Express INC
  • "Regional World Services is very reliable, good pricing, and their team is very responsive they stay on top of shipments and very friendly."

    Wade Carpenter
    Wade Carpenter

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Logistics Professionals


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